Passionate About Inspiring Others
I am Hannah, and I am full of hope for a transforming value based conscious humanity.
For more than 10 years now I'm on my journey of personal development, and study and work with Louharya Center - Home for Transformation, investigating myself, humanity, our world, and what we are part of.
10 years ago I started my path as a sustainable fashion designer, which is one of the fields I aim to bring transformation to - my experience in the ready-to-wear industry, led me to becoming a sustainable fashion designer, as whom I aim to develop new, circular and responsible ways of design, consumption, production, and manufacturing that are in harmony with the environment and society, while bringing higher consciousness and awareness into the fashion industry, and creating sustainability on all levels of the journey of a piece of clothing. This led me to founding the circular, sustainable, vegan, and biodegradable clothing brand erie Berlin. as well as together with my life partner the Circular Sweater Project.
I teach and share my experiences, insights, processes, knowledge, and solutions through consciousness and creative workshops online, at schools, youth centers, companies, etc., as well as teaching at Louharya Center - Home for Transformation, and also through 1:1 sessions and energetic healing.
My main mission in life is to help create a different world, an alternative to the world we are living in at the moment, to help raise awareness and consciousness, and empower each and every one I encounter with.
Each and every one of us is part of the whole, and the whole is part of each and every one of us.
I aim to empower each and every one, to create an understanding that each one counts, that each voice counts and is important, that each and every one is crucial for the whole picture.
The world needs each and every one of us to change, to contribute, to create alternatives.
I want to contribute to a world where we all hold our control handle in our own hands, so that we can follow our calling, unfold our fullest potentials, and create a different world together - because only together this becomes possible.
And I want to help you get that control handle back into your hands.
You are the creator of your life.
With my workshops and sessions I support whoever is curious and ready to change and unfold their potentials.
I am based in Berlin/north of Berlin for physical sessions and workshops.
I support many people all over the world and most of my offerings occur online or with an online option.
There are no boundaries, there is no separation - the willingness to evolve and connect transcends any physical distance.
I will be happy to get to know you and connect with you!